We know if you’ve got a child in your care with additional needs, doing something new can be scary – for both of you! We pride ourselves on our inclusivity and we do our best to make sure all our members can take part. There’s a lot of flexibility within the Scouts programme to meet individual needs.
First steps
When you’re first thinking of joining Scouts, your local leader will get in touch to arrange a chat with you to find out more about your child. This isn’t an interview or screening process, it’s simply to make sure we understand your child’s needs and how we can make adjustments to make sure your child will get the most out of Scouts.
This conversation will just be the start of our ongoing partnership with you as a parent or carer. We appreciate things are constantly changing and you’re welcome to speak to your leader at any time.

Keeping young people safe
Young people thrive in secure surroundings, at home and away. Wherever we go, we’re serious about keeping them safe.